Memorial Bench Delivery

A mom in Wyoming inspired the memorial benches when she saw something on Facebook; it was a park bench with soldier's cut into the back of a bench. I asked her if we could build a custom bench for her son Joshua Thompson, and the first bench was built and delivered!

These benches are made with hot rolled steel and tubing, cut with a plasma machine, then welded together and powder-coated. The finished product is a $2000 item that the family receives at no charge.

We fundraise to pay for all the expenses of a memorial bench and then we deliver them in person. On the west coast my range is far as I can deliver up to 5 benches in one trip. On the east coast Joe & Carole handle a large area too but not quite so nationwide as me.

We  have built and delivered 44 memorial benches, this number includes the 4 that I will be delivering soon.

Every delivery is special. Often times we meet up with veteran groups local to the delivery area and they go with us to honor the lost loved one. The families are so appreciative of the love and support. They do not want their loved ones forgotten. 

Delivering a memorial bench gives us an opportunity to share the love of Christ as serving the families through Him is our approach. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4.

Get Involved

Donate to help build a memorial bench